My Journey and Activism in Action
From raising a child with brain cancer and long-term disability to advocacy and leadership.
Turning hardship into solutions for my community.
December 2002: The doctors kept making medical errors. The start of my journey into research and advocacy.
Addressing the Board of Supervisors on behalf of SEIU 2015 Home Care Providers
July 26, 2022
Start: 02:07:40 - CCC BOS Public Comment
Since 2004, I have dedicated my life and education towards advocating for the rights of people with disabilities and their home care providers. Why? Because, as a home care provider, I understand how critical our work is to the health and well-being of our loved ones. On more than one occasion, my proactive involvement in my daughter's health care prevented fatal medical errors and led to her successful outcome, including her remission from what was once believed to be terminal brain cancer. Home Care Providers are the backbone of our health care system, and they are saving the lives of their recipients every day as witnessed during the pandemic. They should be able to work without taxing their health and well-being. Without them, our nursing facilities would be overwhelmed, health care costs would sharply rise, and their recipients would be displaced from their homes and receive inferior, impersonal service in a care facility reducing their quality of life. We must do everything possible to maintain and grow this depleting workforce, especially as we face growing demand. The first step towards ensuring that is by providing a living wage.
Elected Officials to Protect America (EOPA)
July 2022
Asking Governor Newsom to Support SB-1020 Clean Energy, Jobs, and Affordability Act of 2022.
Don't Tax the Sun Rally - San Francisco
June 2, 2022
March 2, 2022
I was seeking more concrete answers regarding a timeline for establishing PFAs/PFOAs regulations and some prospective considerations.
Autism Spa: Powerhouse Special Needs Advocates Julie Ann Neward & Marisol Rubio Fighting Back
May 2021
Advocate Like A Mother Podcast
March 27, 2021
"Today we offer you a special bonus episode that requires your attention. We speak with Julie Payne Neward and Marisol Rubio who have proposed to very important legal resolution for legislative consideration including 1) For increasing Caregiver support and 2) Exposing disability sexual assault history within state and federal funded organizations by means of releases 10 years of secret settlement lawsuit details."