We can do better!
Economic Growth & Development
In light of Chevron selling Chevron Park, relocating within San Ramon, and transferring some of their employees to Houston, Texas, this is an opportune time to introduce STEM-based jobs in emerging industries, such as biotechnology and renewable and alternative energy, that better align with our community’s skills and talents and provide well-paying jobs and a better work-life balance for our residents.
Afterschool & Community Programs That Foster Our Community's Interests & Goals
As a parent of a child with lifelong disabilities, I experienced firsthand the importance of having strong, diverse community programs that reflect San Ramon’s varied needs, foster our resident’s interests, and support our children’s educational and physical development regardless of their economic or disability status. I will advocate for robust, accessible family, child and adolescent, and senior programs that bring our community together across all ages and demographics and that support the educational and developmental goals, interests, and needs of our residents.
Supporting Higher Education & Apprenticeship Programs
Having been endorsed by 4 out of 5 of our Contra Costa Community College Board Trustees, I will leverage my positive working relationship with our Governing Board to increase academic support services and to expand apprenticeship programs and incentivize educational tracks in high-need industries.
Affordable Housing through Housing Diversity
To meet our state-mandated Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) and not disrupt the landscape of our community, we should pursue infill development and create more mixed-use space that provides a variety of housing such as studios, apartments, condominiums, and townhouses in the downtown core for those who work in San Ramon but cannot afford to live here, such as our first responders, essential workers, and teachers. This provides our employees within the city with a better work-life balance, reduces traffic and greenhouse gas emissions, and encourages residents to spend in San Ramon and to use our local public and alternative forms of transportation, such biking or walking, over driving.
Creating A Vibrant, Safe & Innovative Model City
We can do better!